Leadership Development

“Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves.”

Stephen R Covey

Leadership Development Offerings

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People cultivates leadership at the individual, team, and organizational levels. The path to sustained and lasting success is possible when individuals can effectively lead themselves, influence, engage and collaborate with others, and continually improve and renew their capabilities. This solution is based on timeless principles of effectiveness that when applied promise remarkable results both in personal life and at work.

The 7 Habits for Managers

The 7 Habits for Managers is based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and has been uniquely retooled to focus on managing oneself and leading others. Through this solution, you will learn effective mindsets, skillsets and toolsets that are essential to delivering results with and through others.

The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership

The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership offers a unique framework that focuses on developing who a leader is as well as what a leader does. By applying the principles in this solution, you will lead your team to consistently achieve breakthrough results even in the most turbulent times.

The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team

Leaders make a significant impact on every metric in your business: employee productivity and engagement, customer satisfaction and loyalty, innovation, and financial performance. The role of leaders has always been tough and today’s realities make the role even tougher. People skills typically account for 80 percent of success in this role. Yet many people are promoted because of their technical capabilities. Leading a team requires a different skill set than working as an individual contributor. This solution equips leaders at every level with the essential skills and tools to get work done with and through other people.

Leading at the Speed of Trust

Trust is todays currency- and everything a leader says and does affects the level of trust in the team. Leaders will understand how to build a high-trust culture where people feel safe enough and inspired to volunteer their best efforts. This in turn increases the speed of execution and decreases the cost of doing business.


In her research, leadership expert Liz Wiseman made a crucial discovery: there’s far more intelligence and energy inside organizations than we realize. Leaders are key to unlocking these capabilities. In this transformative solution, leaders will discover ways in which they are accidentally shutting down their team’s intelligence as well as practical ways to multiply the genius in their teams. The Multipliers solution provides a 4-step framework that helps leaders grow intelligence and engage their people in addressing the organization’s most important problems.

Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential

In an increasingly globalized world, we encounter diverse perspectives on a daily basis. Amidst this influx of information, our brains rely on shortcuts—unconscious biases—to make sense of this information and make decisions faster. Unfortunately, these unconscious biases restrict our worldview to stereotypes and limit our scope of decision-making, effectively stifling our potential and making those around us feel excluded. Applicable to employees and leaders at all levels, this solution enables participants to not only identify biases, but also develop a willingness to learn more about other perspectives and initiate meaningful interactions with others, as well as choose courage in creating a company culture that champions diversity. Overcome your organization’s unconscious biases and create an inclusive culture with Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential.

Change: How to Turn Uncertainty Into Opportunity

Change happens all the time. Yet, when faced with change, many organizations primarily focus on the process. Successful change takes more than that—it’s your people who make change happen. And as people, we’re wired to react to change to survive, which can make change feel difficult or threatening. Successful leaders engage their people in change, making it feel less uncertain and more like an opportunity. This solution teaches leaders the predictable pattern of change and helps them build the skills to navigate it successfully; allowing them to consciously determine how to best move forward – even in the most challenging stages.

What the CEO Wants You to Know: Building Business Acumen

A major challenge for organizations is their employees’ lack of awareness regarding the basic elements of running a business, as well as how their contributions affect the company’s bottom line. This cutting-edge solution addresses these shortcomings and helps employees—regardless of experience or background—take a step back and consider how they add value to the business. Employees learn how to align their efforts with the organization’s goals based on the five essential elements of business: cash, margin, velocity, growth, and customers. Achieve organizational excellence by transforming your employees into knowledgeable and focused contributors.